Sad basket, 2017: Solo show, HAM-gallery, Helsinki.

photo: Pauli Talpola

Creator (New potato & Olive), 2017: Norwegian Rose marble, Jadeite, found stone. 110cm x70cm x35cm.

According to Shadow, 2017: stone, hair:
6cm x 11cmx 14cm.

Pocket Monument, 2016: Marble, wax, string, tape: 3cm x5cm x9cm.

Jam, 2016: Rosa Asiago limestone, wax, earplugs: 3cm x6cm x9cm.

Peaches, 2017: Norwegian Rose marble. 
Night call (at the back)2017:aluminium, velvet: 4cm x4cm x300cm. 

Edelweiss: found stone. 8x22x18cm. 2016
Memory of stone 2016: Acrylic: 100cm x120cm. 2016

3 min. video loop on ipad: We ran out of gas. A miniature sculpture traveling on a table in a train.

Photos: Maija Toivanen, HAM
Cargo  2016: Norwegian Rose marble, coaster (pallet), string. 8x12x7cm.

Photo: Petri Summanen

Grand meré, 2017: Marble, guilded yogamat: 50x80x70cm.

Where did you go?, 2016: Acrylic, sofa: 100x120x95cm. 

Butts 2015-2016

Balloon, string, wallplaster, latex, pigment. 

Läps!, 2015: one hour video loop. I invited people in a room to touch the sculpture. People chose how to interact with the object and for how long.

IMG_1114 from Emma Jääskeläinen on Vimeo.

Cheeks, 2016 Flow festival. The sculpture reacted to the surrounding sounds and music played in the space.

Club Guggenheim, 2015 Helsinki.  A conversation piece.

Head and Shoulders, 2018: group exhibition, Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki. Artists: Dylan Ray Arnold & Ocèane Bruel, Lasse Juuti & Emma Jääskeläinen, Iiris Kaarlehto & Inka Kynkäänniemi

Works of H&S exhibition in collaboration with Lasse Juuti

Head & Shoulders brings together works from three collaborative practices. The exhibition is an invitation to the shared nature of living and leaving. We are at home, at your place, the waiting room, the port or beyond, saturated with stories, kind of ruins. Couches are common words. We can store our affects in and share the cloud above. While we still have hair, let’s use our hands. Head & Shoulders nourishes, takes care, heals and irritates. Working with each other encourages us to extend our intimacies towards a common ground, through frictions and excitements. A collective vision is a precarious moving composition. In Exhibition Laboratory it becomes space, forms, materials and images.

Pictures of the show: